Access map

How to reach the school

The school will be held in the Insa campus (campus de la Doua - Villeurbanne/ Lyon).

The lectures and the hands-on sessions will be held in the Gustave Ferrié building. The lunches will be taken at the Domus restaurant nearby and the rooms are located in one of the students residence. A detailed map is available below

From the Partdieu Train station

Take the T1 or T4 tramway direction IUT Feyssine (T1) or Gaston Berger (T4) and stop at the Gaston Berger station

From the Saint-Exupery Airport

Take the Rhône express till the Partdieu station

By car

The GPS coordinates are 45.782915 Latitude and 4.871691 Longitude
The address is 11 avenue Gaston Berger, 69100 Villeurbanne, France


Personnes connectées : 3 Vie privée